Informations about TLD '.me'

Zone info
.ME is the official top-level domain for Montenegro

Zone use
.ME domains (second-level registrations) are available to be registered by parties worldwide.

Name restrictions
Minimal number of letters: 3
Maximum number of letters: 63
Allowed letters: a-z, 0-9, -

Other restrictions
Third-level registrations are available to Montenegrin individuals and entities only, in the following zones. Me-Net is the only registrar allowed to register third-level domains in the registry.
The University of Montenegro Center of Information Systems (CIS) is responsible for subdomains beneath these domain names and should be contacted directly:
A list of Reserved Names (text / PDF) has been held back for government and registry use. These names are not available for registration by the public.
A list of Premium Names (text / PDF) has been held back, and these names are not currently available for registration. The Registry plans to make these names available in manner(s) to be determined at a later time.

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